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How To Have A Happy Heart

happy heart

Doubtlessly, heart is one of the key organs in the human body, that we sometimes don't really take care about. It is not always about medicine or sports though, being able to maintain a certain positive attitude in life might tremendously benefit your heart in every possible way. If you want to learn couple of tips and tricks on how to keep your heart happy at all times, then keep on scrolling!

  • Quit smoking - one thing that many people don't understand about heart, is that the more you smoke and congest your blood vessels with all the associated harmful chemicals, the greater is a chance for you to have a heart attack. Smoking increases your blood pressure, resulting in your heart over-working to bring you enough oxygen. And what happens to any device or organ that is over-used? It eventually fails. So, cut on cigarettes today and you are already one step closer to a healthy heart;

  • Manage your weight - shifting between different sizes is not only bad for your piggy bank, but add pressure to your heart. Try to keep the same body weight throughout your life and you will see how it is going to affect your life in a positive way;

  • Get physical - you don't need an expensive gym membership to perform simple physical exercises that your heart needs so much. Heart is a muscle, and just as any other muscle in your body - it needs a work-out. Be it taking the stairs, instead of an elevator, or walking to the nearest grocery store instead of driving - little by little you improve the way your heart works. Finally, if you already visit a gym - try to do some more cardio exercises like running, cycling or swimming instead of heavy lifts and else;

  • Drink plenty of water - drinking enough water to hydrate your body, as well as a full glass of water before going to sleep is one of the best ways to prevent a sudden heart attack during the night;

  • Avoid protein shakes - yes, we all know protein is good for your muscles. But protein shakes, even though they help you get into a great shape faster, do harm your heart. Sad news is that majority of professional bodybuilders actually suffer from cardiovascular diseases or sometimes die from heart attacks. So you have been warned;

  • Avoid overly fat foods - we all sin with a bit of french fries, don't we? But as long as you limit your sneaky little indulgence to at least once a month - your heart will certainly thank you later for not stuffing it with all the nasty cholesterol;

  • Avoid trans fat - if you see it listed in a nutrition facts sheet, just remember that it is a straight way to a cardio disease or cancer;

  • Dance and love - just like JLo sings: dancing and making love - are two major cardio exercises that are not only pleasurable, but also keep your heart in a great shape;

  • Get fishy - eating plenty of omega-enriched products is a great way to boost your health and heart. Best options here are: mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna and sardines;

  • Cut on salt - in other words, try to minimize your salty foods intake;

  • Add healthy fats - aka eat more products that contain naturally healthy fats, like those in avocado, nuts, olives, fish and more;

  • Do it in a French way - sipping on a glass of red wine once in a while is perfectly normal for your heart, of course as long as you keep it minimal.

We hope you enjoyed this little article on how to make your heart feel happy. If you, or someone in your family/friends suffer from any cardiovascular disease or discomfort - feel free to contact us at any time for a free consultation. We work with best specialists around the World and are here to help you out.

Samaya Team

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