Health Facts About Chocolate
As the Valentines Day is approaching and everyone gets a bit nervous, it is actually a great time to snack on some chocolate. Surprise surprise, as some of you might have thought that chocolate can't be healthy - it actually is! Just when you know exactly what kind you should be opting for. Below you will find a nice and perhaps amusing list of chocolate facts that even the angriest of doctors would agree to.
Chocolate facts:
Chocolate is healthy and won't affect your body wheight as long as you choose a dark one. These types of chocolate contain way less sugar and milk. Dark chocolate is also good because it is not made of various ingredients that cause facial or body break outs, tooth decay and else;
Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that help reduce your blood pressure, hence your cardiovascular system benefits from it as well;
Flavonoids and theobromine that are found in dark chocolate are also considered healthy chemicals that boost your immune system and help fight diseases;
One small square of dark chocolate is enough to reduce a risk of a heart attack by 39% as one German study suggests;
Antioxidant compounds of dark chocolate increase flexibility of veins and arteries in your body;
If you are on a diet, snacking on dark chocolate will help you fight cravings for fatty, salty or overly sweet foods;
Eating dark chocolate helps you balance out your nervous system and is especially benefitial to those of you ladies, who are expecting;
Dark chocolate surprisingly helps to control your insulin sensitivity, so instead of munching on an over-sweetend milk chocolate get a dark one as it has more chances preveting a possibility of getting diabetes;
When you are feeling sad and crave comforting sweet foods, open a bar of dark chocolate instead as it contains enough serotonin to bring back happiness into your life;
Dark chocolate helps to boost your alertness and hence results in better performance at work, as its flavonoids activate a good blood flow to key brain parts;
Dark chocolate is a good treat after a tough workout as it increases sportsmen ability to recover and relieve muscle pain;
Chocolate scent triggers better relaxation;
Last but not least dark chocolate is good for your hair.
I don't know what about you, but I am already munching on a good piece of dark chocolate while typing this exact sentence.
Doesn't matter whether you are in a couple or single this Valentines, get yourself a nice piece of dark chocolate and let it work its magic.
Samaya Team
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