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Questions & Answers


What is a 'Medical Tourism'?

Samaya Health & Medical Services Company is one of the pioneers of medical tourism registered in Dubai, UAE. The term 'medical tourism' is identifying our business niche: in this case we appear as a perfect "middle-man" between our clients/patients and professional World known hospitals/clinics. We work closely on each individual customer's case and help our patients find the best professional who can help in a particular medical case.


Who are our Customers?

Being an international entity, we work with our customers who come from all around the Globe. Additionally we work with both genders and all age groups. Our customers are most of the time patients who are having a hard time finding a proper medical specialist or institution within a territory of their countries so they address their inquiries to us. 


How can customers Contact Us?

We are located in UAE, having our headquartes in Dubai. You can visit our office [click here for navigation] or in case if you are living outside of UAE - you can either call or write to us at We are receiving clients' medical reports every day and in case of a medical emergency are flexible to work despite regular working hours.





Who are our Partners?

Our partners are leaders of various medical fields worldwide. We reach out to clinics or hospitals that in our opinion are offering a great service and professional expertise worth our clients attention. Currently we have connections in Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, India, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and of course United Arab Emirates - where our core clientele base is.

How do we Charge our Clients?

We personally don't charge or add up any amount to what our client already pays for a medical treatment at the clinic or hospital of his/her preference. Being a spokesperson for a list of medical & healthcare institutions - we get our percentage from these medical entities directly and are in no way involved in any of the pricing directives of these organizations.

Do we work with International Patients?

Sure, we do. The top percent of our clients so far was constituted by international traveling patients alongside with local Emiratis.

How do we find Doctors for our Clients?

As soon as we receive an e-mail or a medical inquiry from our clients - we then scan through all the attached medical reports to it and start looking for the right medical specialist in our database of clinics and hospitals that we have contracts with. After we send a client's portfolio to these entities. As a successful outcome we then link our clients to a medical institution that is ready to work on this particular health case.​ 

If you have any other questions besides those answered above, please ask us directly by clicking below:

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