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Camel Milk - Godsend Of 21st Century?

People tend to avoid camel milk when shopping for their groceries. Now, how many supermarket customers do you see now and then grabbing an old fashioned bottle of cow milk over camel one? Well, we do see plenty. After reading this post, we hope that things will change though.

If you ever wondered how many countries actually sell a bottled camel milk, there are not many at all. In fact main key players who produce it are: Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, United States and United Arab Emirates.

Camel milk is also sold in Australia and some places in New Zealand. And that is out of 196 countries in the World. Main reasons are: camels are not exactly domestic animals, so they are not present in that many countries anyway; secondly people have an unfair prejudice towards the product thinking that it is either smelly or can't be comparable to cow milk in terms of a nice taste. This perception is completely false though. Below are the candid camel milk facts that might change your view on it, so read attentively:

  • Camel milk has antimicrobial elements that protect your body from various sorts of infection;

  • Camel milk is multiple times richer than cow milk in protein;

  • Linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in camel milk cover recommended minimum nutrients intake for a human per day;

  • Newborns suffering from malnutrition are given camel milk for a fast recovery;

  • Camel milk has minimal amount of cholesterol and ten times more iron when compared to cow milk;

  • Camel milk is a great source of immunoglobin which helps you boost your immune system;

  • Camel milk is lower in lactose, which is why it is suitable for people with lactose intolerance;

  • When consumed daily, camel milk can improve and heal various allergies;

  • Camel milk is incredibly healthy and beneficial for people suffering from diabetes; reason being it contains enough insulin and less fat than other milk products that in return help treat diabetes in a natural way;

  • Insulin-type of proteins found in camel milk are easily absorbed;

  • Camel milk has shown positive influence on people suffering from Hepatitis B and C / HIV and AIDS / Tuberculosis / Autism;

  • Camel milk has a positive impact on people suffering from stomach ulcer;

  • When stressed - you can drink camel milk as it calms and stabilizes cells in your nerve system.

Last but not least, recent Australian scientific studies show that women who were consuming camel milk for a sufficient amount of time, have witnessed enlargement of their breast size. Scientists believe that key factor here is that camel milk is the closest product to human breast milk; hence it actually might trigger increase of woman's breast. While more studies need to be conducted, it was proven though that camel milk helps fight breast cancer.

And to assure you - bottled milk sold in UAE tastes sweet and delicious, being no different to cow milk whatsoever. You can even do a blind taste test to see.

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