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Why You Should Sing

Pop Band

So we have been thinking about it lately - human beings are the only living species on Earth who can actually sing (aside from birds). And even though most of us are no Witney Houston and have no singing talent at all - should it really be a reason enough for us not to sing in private? Below we have summed up some of the awesome facts that will make you want to start singing right away!

  • Majority of World's population believe they can't sing; according to vocal teachers - singing can be compared to any other physical activity in a way that they more you exercise the better you become at it;

  • Men and women sing differently due to the natural size of their vocal folds - men usually have larger vocal folds which in return creates a different pitch;

  • "False" vocal chords are simply thick folds of mucous membrane;

  • When we sing, the sound comes out with a speed of 75 mph which is equal to 120 kph - impressive huh?

  • Singing releases endorphines that make you feel good;

  • When singing correctly - you can tone your stomach and back muscles;

  • Singing boosts your immune system;

  • While singing you exercise your lungs and heart;

  • Singing fights depression and improves your posture;

  • La-la-la-ing to that favorite tune of yours while in the shower lowers chances of having a heart disease by 60%!

  • Singing clears sinuses;

  • Singing is fun, unique and affordable - everyone can enjoy this hobby for free and even better if you share this passion with your friends!

What are you waiting for? Just tune in to your favorite station and keep on singing!

Samaya Team

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