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Sleep & Health

Newborn Baby Sleeping

Busy and stressful lifestyle at times is the reason why we can't close our eyes at night. As much as some people assume that sleeping is a waste of time, we have collected some wow-facts about sleep that will make you want to hit the snooze right away:

  • Short sleeping hours result in you feeling sleep-deprived later at night;

  • Insomnia can be developed from stress, physical or mental illness and surprisingly - diet;

  • Your heart, weight and nervous system benefit from a good night sleep;

  • Sleep improves memory and strengthens your learning abilities while you are asleep;

  • Having a balanced "sleeping agenda" is a must because too much or too little of sleep affects your overall lifespan in a negative way;

  • Bad sleep may result in a person increasing his blood glucose levels which then might lead to diabetes or heart disease;

  • Having a good night sleep can be used as a natural supplement for pain relief your body might experience (like injury for example);

  • Good night sleep actually does slim you down and vice versa - when you don't get enough sleep you tend to gain weight thanks to levels of an appetite-regulating hormone called 'leptin' dropping;

  • Sleeping helps you stay alert and focused;

  • Sleep boosts your immune system and helps your body fight diseases easily;

  • Creativity benefits from a good snooze as well - since while you get a nice rest, your brain is more pro-active throughout a day-time and helps spur your creative vibes;

  • Children who sleep well, get better grades at school;

  • Sleep and metabolism are said to be controlled by the same sectors of your brain which is why they are so interrelated;

  • Regular exercise improves your sleep patterns, whereas exercising before sleep might actually keep you awake at night;

  • A lack of sleep is a great contribution to depression;

  • Scent of lavender is good for a relaxed snooze if you feel tense and irritated.

If you want to analyze your sleep habits better - you can use a health app that saves your sleeping data on your phone and helps you estimate what is a good average amount of sleep for you. Scientists confirm that 8 hours is a preferable time that we should spend sleeping daily for a better health condition and sharper memory.

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